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I don’t like water!!

How many times have you heard the phrase, 'Drink more water'?

It's what I tell clients after every treatment but why?

Let's break it down. Our body weight is made up of 50-60% water. It helps to give cells their stucture and keeps the nice and plump. Water helps to move things around the cell to keep it working.

I don't have time to drink water!!!

Oh I hear you so many people struggle to get the right amount of water into there system. I sometimes forget too. There are lots of apps and reminders we can get now that will let you know when to drink. Keep a bottle or glass beside you and drink every 20 minutes. Set yourself goals start small and build up to 2 litters a day.

Why do I need to drink water after a treatment?

So during a treatment weather it's a massage, facial or reflexology I am moving and working your muscles. In reflexology it's also working out blockages. The movement of the massage moves fluid which then pumps out of the soft tissue and into your circulatory system, and eventually to the kidneys. Which is why you might need to pee after a treatment. After loosing these fulids they need to be replaced.

Important to Note!!

When we start to feel thirsty our bodies are saying'I'm getting Dehydrated' Most likely are body has been feeling this way for about 30 mins before hand. As I write this I'm realising I need to drink!

So it's best to keep on top of it, be proactive not reactive.

Another important reason is to flush out toxins which we realessed during treatment. The more tension and blockages realised the more waste in your system. Drinking lots of water helps kidneys drain out the waste or toxins.

What can happen If you don't drink enough water?

Possibly you could experience pain, fatigue, sore muscles, stiffness or swelling in your muscles if you don't drink enough water after your treatment.

Rule of thumb is 3-4 more glasses than you usually drink.

If you really don't like water add some suger free dilute.

So there you have it. It's so important to drink water all the time and especially after your treatment.

Try it and feel the benefits. Xx

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